To keep content organized, BrandWell includes several stages for articles within a project.

You’ll find these stages in the upper-right corner of the Editor page.
There are differences in available stages depending on whether or not your account is integrated with WordPress.
For users using the BrandWell WordPress plugin, these are the stages of content:
  • Draft: This is a stage where you can move content that needs to be rerun or use it as an in-between stage based on your custom workflow.

  • Straight Outta AI: When the AI finishes an article it is set to pending optimization.

  • Pending Editing: You can use this stage to differentiate between articles you've optimized/reviewed and those that are left in pending optimization.

  • Scheduled: Choosing this stage opens up the scheduling tool where you can directly schedule articles to publish on your website.

  • Completed: This is the stage showing your article is complete. You can export the article either before this point, or move it to complete once it's on your site. Or you could use this to mark the articles you want to export.

  • Published: Choosing this stage will publish the article on your WordPress site within about 10 minutes.

If you choose "Scheduled" the scheduling tool will appear. Set the date and time you wish for the article to publish and within about 10 minutes, the scheduled date will accurately reflect in your WordPress dashboard.