If You're Connected to WordPress

If You're Not Connected to WordPress

If your project is not connected with our integrations (eg WordPress or Shopify), but you still want a way to tell whether a piece of content is complete, you can add a post status.

Here's a detailed guide:

1. Click on your Profile and go to Settings >> POST STATUSES:


2. Click on Add Status:



3. Type in a customized Status and a brief description then click on Add Status:


4. Then enter the project and click on the gear icon (on the top right of the screen when inside a project).

5. Click Status.

6. Under Select Available Post Status, you will see a list of post statuses, each with a black x. Click on the blank space in that list and choose your newly created post status.


7.Click Save.

[object Object] When updating the status of your content, you will now see the new post status as an option.